@extends('staffs.layout') @section('content')
{{ __('Edit Service') }}
@php $fontSize = '12px'; @endphp {{ __('Back') }} @php $dContent = App\Models\Services\ServiceContent::where('service_id', $service->id) ->where('language_id', $defaultLang->id) ->first(); $slug = !empty($dContent) ? $dContent->slug : ''; @endphp @if ($dContent) {{ __('Preview') }} @endif
    @foreach ($service->sliderImage as $item) @endforeach
    Ad Image

    {{ __('Please note that you can upload a maximum of') }} {{ $sliderImage }} {{ __('images') }}.


    {{ __('Choose Image') }}
    @php $currencyText = $currencyInfo->base_currency_text; @endphp
    {{ __('Previous Price') . ' (' . $currencyText . ')' }}
    @if ($vendorId != 0) @if ($package->zoom_meeting_status == 1)

    {{ __('If you enable zoom, then you have to set your zoom credentials / contact with your vendor.') }}

    @endif @if ($package->calendar_status == 1)

    {{ __('If you enable calendar, then you have to set your calendar credentials') }} {{ __('Click to proceed') }}

    @endif @endif
    @if ($vendorId == 0)

    {{ __('If you enable zoom, then you have to set your zoom credentials / contact with your vendor.') }}

    {{ __('If you enable calendar, then you have to set your calendar credentials') }} {{ __('Click to proceed') }}

    @foreach ($languages as $language) @php $serviceContent = App\Models\Services\ServiceContent::where('service_id', $service->id) ->where('language_id', $language->id) ->first(); @endphp
    @php $categories = App\Models\Services\ServiceCategory::where('language_id', $language->id) ->where('status', 1) ->get(); @endphp

    {{ __('Each new line will be shown as a new feature in this service') }}

    @php $currLang = $language; @endphp @foreach ($languages as $language) @continue($language->id == $currLang->id)
    @endsection @section('script') @endsection @section('variables') @endsection